Hello all! It's been a slow spring for photography excursions, as I've mostly been sticking to home, or to neighborhood walks and bike rides. With a few local trails systems still open, though, I've managed to go on a couple excursions over the past few weeks. The good news is that more public lands will be opening next week, and that there seems to be a a growing consensus that hiking and other forms of outdoor exercise are relatively safe (with reasonable precautions, of course).
First, the lush forest of Evans Creek Preserve a few weeks ago. F/16. I love the bright yellow-green color cast of bigleaf maple groves in the spring.
More recently, I visited Sharpe Park, where I was fortunate enough to catch the beginning of wildflower season in the meadows. First, a closeup of camas (Camassia quamash). I used F/13, a narrower aperture than I normally use for closeups, so a hint of the distant water and islands would be perceptible in the background.
Next, some more conventional landscapes with wide depths of field. I think the first is the most unusual, and has a fun sense of open space to it, although landscapes with square dimensions aren't necessarily as versatile when it comes to using them in published or printed formats. The second might be the best in this regard, but it suffered some distortion and softness near the edges. F/14, F/16, and F/16, respectively.
Lastly, a cattail swamp in Sharpe Park showing signs of spring. F/20.
That's all for now. Until next time - hopefully soon!