Yesterday, I hiked one of my favorite trails, the Perry Creek trail off the Mountain Loop Highway. Conditions were challenging for landscapes, as winds and lighting were both unpredictable. Although I did manage landscapes that took advantage of that changing light - more on that in a moment - my favorite images of the day were closeups of plants and foliage that I hadn't noticed before, or that I saw in a new way. I think my early difficulties with landscapes forced me to notice smaller-scale scenes that, in an environment like Perry Creek, I usually pass by.
First, a new flower for me - spotted saxifrage (Saxifraga austromontana). The small flowers looked simply white or off-white from above, but a close inspection revealed some very interesting orange and red spots. There's a bit of empty space in this composition that I'm not thrilled about, but I'm still very happy that I found these flowers. F/6.3.
Next, the colorful foliage of a stonecrop (genus Sedum). My best guess is that it's Oregon stonecrop (Sedum oreganum); that's the closest match from other photos I've seen, and there's documentation of Oregon stonecrop in the Perry Creek area. F/5.6.
Here's another wildflower, Fendler's waterleaf (Hydrophyllum fendleri), F/5.6.
Next, one I've photographed before, red columbine (Aquilegia formosa). It's uncommon to see one of these flowers turned up like this instead of hanging down, so I wanted to capture that new perspective. F/5.6.
As promised, there were some landscapes as well. Here's the classic view down the Perry Creek valley toward Hall Peak (obscured by clouds). The rapidly changing sunlight was tricky to expose for, but I like the way it looks in the final image. The color contrast with the rock is also fun. F/16.
Next, one of the many waterfalls coming down the valley walls, with lush maples providing the setting. F/16.
Finally, the colorful seeds of vine maple (Acer circinatum), with another waterfall in the background. I would have liked the seeds to be a bit more prominent in the composition, but the vivid red helps them stand out, at least. F/8.