A couple weeks ago, I camped at the Salmon La Sac Campground and got an early start on the Cooper River trail. It's a pleasant forest walk with occasional (but very nice) river views, which I last visited at the same time of year in 2019.
By walking a short distance beyond the end of the Cooper River trail, you can also reach Cooper Lake. I didn't make it to the lake last time, and I'm not sure why. Maybe I was in a hurry? At any rate, I visited it this time, and it didn't disappoint. I was able to find a secluded spot to set up the tripod and have lunch. Getting a shot took a little work - an abandoned football was stuck in the marsh, ruining my first composition. (It wouldn't have been practical to use the heal/clone feature, and I try not to do that, anyway). Thankfully, since I noticed while I was there, I was able to frame this composition with the leaves obscuring it. F/14.
Next, a view of the river from a lovely spot about two-thirds of the way down the trail. I used a wide-angle lens and set up the tripod at a low height to make the water feel closer. F/16, 1/8 of a second.
Here's a vertical version of the same vantage point. I like the addition of the rocks at the bottom. F/16, 1/8 of a second.
Next, an early-morning view of the Cooper River nearer the trailhead. I liked the way the light was hitting the trees. F/16, 0.8 seconds.
Below, another early-morning view of the river. F/16, 1 second.
Another highlight of the Cooper River trail is the wildflowers. There aren't any big meadows or anything, but there's a pleasant variety throughout. (Last time, I found candystick, a cool-looking myco-heterotroph.) Pictured here are paintbrush, with lupine in the background. I'm guessing these are harsh paintbrush (Castilleja hispida). F/5.
Next, a forest scene that caught my eye. F/16.
Finally, a rare open view from the Cooper River trail. I took this in the nick of time, just before a work party arrived and started throwing up dust! I'm not complaining - it's necessary work - I'm just happy that the timing worked out. F/16.