Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Break, pt 1

So, yesterday I started things off by visiting Saint Edward State Park. It was still a normal day of work, so not technically Spring Break. And next week - my actual "Spring Break" week - I am still working, although a different and somewhat reduced schedule that should be more conducive to photography adventures.

But I had the time, and it stopped raining. As I drove the road into the bark, through a forest thick and bright with new leaves, I got very excited for the week ahead.

I started things off with some opening fern close-ups. These ones were, I think, from sword ferns. The second one is my favorite.

Also, I think I found a trillium! They're one of the classic northwest coast forest flowers, although they're hard to come by in city parks. Also, they're supposed to be white. This one definitely wasn't, but the guidebook says that old flowers fade to pink or purple. Hopefully I'll have other chances to find white trillium flowers this year (in forests in the Cascades, for example).

Finally, some semi-wide forest shots.

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