Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good Morning, Summer Flowers!

I must apologize for neglecting this blog lately. It's been a busy (and intermittently rainy) couple weeks - lots of work and lots of other obligations. In the meantime, however, I did get out on three photo adventures in the time since I last wrote. Here are the condensed results.

First off, I went to Cougar Mountain, hoping to find some cool plants (columbine in particular, in the Redtown Meadow). Alas, I found no columbine, and not a whole lot of other flowers; there were some cool iris blooming, but too low for my tripod. The morning wasn't a total failure, though. I got this cool shot of vine maple seed pods:

At this point, it began raining, but I still eked out a couple nice forest shots. The first is of vine maples and the second is of alders. I think they both connote a feeling of depth, something that is surprisingly hard to do when photographing forests (there is so much "stuff" that pictures too easily end up looking flat and busy).

...The real action is just beginning, though. More recently, I went to Hamlin and Discovery parks where the yarrow and fireweed show are beginning!

First, two yarrow closeups. With the first, I managed to catch a plant just as its buds were opening. I've never been lucky/conscientious enough to do this before.

And now, the big cheese of them all, fireweed! The stalks are all loaded with buds, and a few plants are already blooming! The majority haven't, though, so I haven't really missed anything yet (whew).

While this last one turned out okay, I could probably do better - the stalk in the foreground could have been further to the right in the frame, for example. I also don't like how the flowers in the background extend about halfway down the frame. Still, though, it is acceptable.

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