Friday, July 06, 2012


Getting up at 4am is difficult for many, if not most, people. It is even difficult for me. What's worse than that, though, is getting up at 4am, driving to Discovery Park, and realizing that you forgot your filters at home! Luckily, I keep my macro lens' polarizing filter on the lens itself, so I was still able to use that. I used my macro lens for some other shots as well, but I found it being confined to a 50mm focal length. I generally like to go wider.

Obviously, then, the highlight of the morning was flower shots. I'll start with my best, a backlit fireweed flower with some dew hanging on it:

The next one is of an ocean-spray shrub blooming. Compositionally, I think it turned out fairly well. The blossoms in the background complement those in the foreground and don't make the image too busy.

There was a light mist hanging in some of Discovery Park's meadows. While I was limited to a focal length I normally don't use for these types of shots, I did get a few nice results:

This last one I actually did shoot with my normal lens; since I was shooting into the sun, I didn't really need a polarizing filter.

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