Sunday, December 02, 2018

Perry Creek

Yesterday morning, I poked around the Perry Creek trail a bit (off the Mountain Loop Highway), hoping to use the relatively low snow levels overnight to my advantage. The snow had not fallen quite as low as I had hoped; that, time constraints, and concerns about slipping on slushy rocks meant that I did not quite get to full snow. Even so, I was glad I visited, for scouting purposes if for no other reason. The lower reaches of the trail pass through interesting maple groves and open rocky slopes, with the occasional old-growth conifer thrown in just for kicks, and plenty of interesting views of the valley and valley walls. I'd like to make a return visit in late spring/early summer, when the foliage is out and the waterfalls are in full force. (Add that to the million other places I want to visit that time of year, I know...)

Below is my most interesting composition from the morning, a view of waterfalls on the opposite side of the valley, with the snow line visible. The foreground trees, particularly the cedars, don't stand out quite as well as I'd like (not a lot of color contrast). But I like where all the elements are placed, and the mist and snow make things a bit more interesting. F/18.

Next, a view of Big Four Mountain, from nearer the trailhead. Sky is a bit washed out, unfortunately, but I like the effect of the valley fog. F/18.

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