Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Spring at Deception Pass

As promised, we're back to Washington photography! One of my favorite places to see wildflowers in western Washington is Deception Pass State Park, and I was able to make it again this year, visiting the Rosario Head, Bowman Bay, and Lighthouse Point areas. The abundant camas were past peak, but a few were still blooming, and there were plenty of other wildflowers out.

First, budding broad-leaved stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium). I got a couple good pictures of emerging blossoms on these plants two years ago, so it was fun to get a composition with only buds. F/5.

Next, a species of larkspur (Delphinium) at Lighthouse Point. I'm not great at identifying larkspur species, but based on the location, my guess is that it's Menzies's larkspur (Delphinium menziesii). In the background is a species of desert parsley (genus Lomatium, probably Lomatium utriculatum). Both F/5.

I also found what looks to me like cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum). F/6.3.

Finally, camas (Camassia quamash) on Lighthouse Point. F/5.

1 comment:

Colleen H said...

Flowers are the best!