Friday, January 03, 2025

Dungeness NWR

I recently got back from a quick getaway to the Olympic Peninsula near Sequim, part of which involved a morning walk at the Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge. Due to volatile waves and a rising tide during the driest part of the day, I didn't get to venture very far onto the spit. I did spend a few minutes in the area where the trail emerges onto the spit, hoping for some wave photography. Below are my two favorite results. I like how the waves look, although I wish they were more prominent in the compositions. Part of this was the fact that I wanted a close foreground for some depth, combined with the fact that I needed to stay behind driftwood barriers to protect myself and my equipment from the waves. F/16, 1/13 of a second, and F/14, 1/6 of a second, respectively.

The short trails through the woods were nice as well. Here's a view from one particularly peaceful grove of alders. The effect my polarizing filter had on the sky was more uneven than I had hoped, but I still like the feel of this one. F/16.

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