Sunday, March 09, 2025

Flowers, Foliage, and Fungi

Over the last two weekends, I've gone on short trips to trails in the Cougar Mountain and Tiger Mountain areas to look for spring foliage and early flowers, particularly Indian plum (or osoberry, Oemleria cerasiformis). I found a few, and I also heard lots of birdsong and saw other shrubs just barely beginning to bud, which is exciting - frequent readers of this blog know how much I enjoy spring!

First, my favorite image from the trips, dewdrops on new foliage on an Indian plum. F/5.6.

Next, flowers on an Indian plum. F/5.6. 

Next, a slightly wider view of Indian plum foliage emerging. When out-of-focus, the reddish tint of the bare shrubs in the background is pronounced, making for a fun color contrast. F/11.

Here's a fun first for me: mushroom closeups! In my closeups, I typically stick to flowers and foliage, but these were too striking to ignore. I found them growing on a decaying log, and the color bands reminded me of tree rings. I am not at all familiar with mushrooms/fungi, so I don't know where to begin in identifying these, but I like the pictures. Both F/5.

Next, Far Country Falls on Cougar Mountain. F/14, 1 second.

Finally, two views of Round Lake on Tiger Mountain. I don't like how busy these compositions are, but I do like the color contrast between the warm foreground branches and the blue of the sky and its reflection. Both F/16.

That's all for now! Happy spring!

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