Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is the March that never ends...

...in some respects. It seems as though the stereo that plays our weather got stuck on the "early March" track, so to speak. Today was slightly better, but still not up to snuff.

Today was an interesting day, to say the least. When I went out to take pictures this morning, the Internet tricked me. The radars weren't showing any showers, and the meteorologists were saying that there wasn't any shower activity within Seattle. Wrong! It was raining (actually, rain-and-snow mixing) in Ballard when I drove through it, and raining the entire time I was at Carkeek Park. I squeezed out a few pictures in periods of lighter rain, but mostly the morning was a bust.

Frustrated, I sought to redeem myself this afternoon at Discovery Park. It was sunny and actually rather mild; when walking back up the hill from the beach, I was comfortable in just a T-shirt. It is really starting to look like spring there, although the maple trees, among others, are still way behind schedule. On the other hand, most of the weeds don't seem to have minded our cold spring so far.

Late, late, LATE!!!! Silly maple tree.
Also, I shot a picture of the same path that I managed to capture in our November snowstorm. Looks a bit different, doesn't it?

Some others of note. Note the non-spring-like-ness of the trees, in comparison to the same time last year.

I don't know why I'm so obsessed with these flowers.

Come on, maples! You can do it!

Oh snap! Convective clouds over the Olympics! I wasn't caught in any showers or thunderstorms this afternoon, thankfully! Two washouts in one day probably would have killed me.

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