Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SNOWPOCALYPSE Part 3: Bulldog Edition

Day Four (today, Wednesday) of our snow fun saw heavy snow in the early morning, slowly tapering off to only a very light snow for the afternoon. In mid-afternoon, I decided to take out a step out of my comfort zone and photograph a local elementary school. The heavy snow, combined with a decent breeze, made the snow on trees and branches a bit lumpy and inconsistent; moreover, the breeze itself would have made plant shots a bit dicey. The school building has a lot of red on the exterior, which made for some good color. I made good use of my main lens' wide angle capabilities in a number of the shots (maximum 18mm; equivalent to 27mm since my camera isn't a full-frame).

One of the buildings on the campus has a cute sign in the window; the reflections of the snowy scene completed the image. I turned the polarizer down to maximize the reflections. I must admit, I thought myself quite clever.

So do I...

I liked these colorful birdhouses in the snow. The dark windows make the image more contrasty than I'd like, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Initially, I was irritated that people had already walked down the walkway in the next one; soon, however, I decided that the footsteps enhanced the composition. I also took a version of this with the camera in the center of the walkway. I like this one better, though, since one of the red posts ends up in obscuring an ugly broken yellow basketball hoop.

On close examination, you'd find that the next one wasn't as sharp as it should have been. I was having some focusing difficulties this morning. Still, I liked the composition enough to post it.

The next few don't have any stories behind them; so I'll just post them and leave them with you! Enjoy the rest of the snow, those of you reading this who live in Western WA.

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