Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fun with Shutter Speeds

It's been quite a while since I've been to Carkeek Park for a sunset. While the view from the beach is pretty darn wide, that's about all the beach has going for it (that is, there aren't very many interesting plants). It was too breezy to take pictures of the plants that were interesting, and my experimental pictures of some of the plants living in the water turned out rather poorly.

My pictures of the sunset itself, however, are worth seeing. The breeze at least made the waves a bit choppy, which looked cool. The first had a 1/1000 second shutter speed (to freeze the water), the second a 1/10 second (to blur the water). If I were to use this concept again for the first picture, I would try to take a picture in which the waves got a bit higher, and in which there was less debris in the foreground. In the second picture, there is a little splotch in the lower left that came from a drip of water that got on the lens. I'll have to be more watchful of that in the future when photographing near water.

Also, the clouds were awesome. They looked like crowns for the trees. As I took my pictures another man saw me, looked over at the clouds, and pulled out his camera. If people like my ideas well enough to use them, then by all means, they can be my guest! I am flattered!

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