Thursday, October 04, 2012

Autumn Advances

So I finally had some time to take some pictures the other day (in good lighting, that is) and by chance found myself at Discovery Park. A few of the trees have fully turned color, while many others still have yet to do so (or never really will, in the case of alders). This led to some interesting color contrasts.

These next two compositions are a result of one such juxtaposition. In retrospect, the green tree in the left half of the frame does not have a strong enough shape to really make the first composition work; it actually would probably look better cropped. The second picture is better. It would have been ideal to include more of the orange tree's trunk in the frame, but the two trees weren't close enough to do it properly (even with my widest lens!).

It was this final picture, though, that turned out to be the most interesting composition of the evening. I'm still not completely satisfied with perhaps could have used a bit narrower depth of field. I was limited in my ability to do so due to the positioning of all the elements (moving or zooming up would have messed with this) and due to physical constraints (i.e. I didn't want to trample off trail). It comes close, though, to what I was envisioning: a moody shot of plants gone to seed with sunset backlighting. I'll have to play with this idea a few more times this autumn.

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