Saturday, May 19, 2018

Boulder River

Hello! I'm blogging out of order here - about a week ago, I got back from a trip to eastern Washington. It was my longest photo trip yet, and I'm nowhere near done going through all the pictures. I went on a photo jaunt this morning, however, and thought I'd go ahead and post the results.

My destination was the Boulder River trail near Darrington, particularly the twin waterfall that is a bit more than a mile into the trail (I think). I spent a lot of time there, so it might be worth it at some point to return to the trail in the near future and not make a photography stop at this place - I could then hike the full length of the trail and photograph other river views, the old-growth forest, etc.

Anyway, the waterfall pictures turned out well. The morning featured overcast skies and thus balanced lighting, and a lack of wind enabled me to use trees and leaves as framing devices. Here are two views of the falls, framed by trees. Both F/18, respectively 0.6 and 0.5 seconds exposure time.

Lastly, here's a different take on the falls, out of focus with a salmonberry flower as the foreground. F/13, 1/4 second.

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