Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Emmons Moraine

About a week and a half ago, I made an early morning trip to the Emmons Moraine trail in Mount Rainier National Park. It's a short but rewarding hike that provides quick access to some stunning views. Skies were blue and the sun was bright. This meant that managing contrast was a challenge, but it also made for excellent visibility of surrounding peaks and glaciers.

All of my compositions were conceptually similar - views of mountains and the glacier-fed headwaters of the White River, set against foreground trees - so I've posted them all below without any further commentary. Apertures F/16, F/18, F/16, F/16, respectively.

And with that, this blog is officially caught up. I've got some hikes planned for this week, though, so stay tuned for summer adventures!

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