Thursday, June 25, 2020

Return to Perry Creek

To celebrate the beginning of summer, and to make the best of a sunny day, I recently returned to the Perry Creek trail, which I visited about a month ago, to take advantage of the expansive valley views. I also made a stop in the Big Four Ice Caves area. The bridge across the South Fork Stillaguamish River is closed, so the final section of trail to the actual ice caves is inaccessible. The picnic area is still open, however, and from there the trail to the river is accessible, making for a short but scenic walk with plenty of mountain views.

First, a view down the Perry Creek valley toward what I think is Hall Peak. The look of the water isn't perfect - I wish it were either more blurred, or more frozen in motion - but I like the perspective. F/16, 1/15 second.

Next, Big Four Mountain, with the South Fork Stillaguamish River in the foreground. I was surprised by the clarity of the water and the rocks beneath. F/14.

Here's something a bit different: a small stream near the top of the Perry Creek trail. Despite the challenges that I was having - high-contrast lighting, and breezes moving the leaves around - I think this picture actually works. F/16, 1/13 second.

Finally, an old tree with the opposite side of the Perry Creek valley in the background. The trail is interesting in this way - lots of open areas, punctuated by maple groves and isolated old trees like this one. F/13.

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