Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Prime Real Estate

During the trip depicted in the previous posts, I stayed in a campsite right next to the South Fork Stillaguamish River. That's the advantage of camping midweek, as I was able to this time - you get a choice of campsites. My tent pad was no more than about ten to twenty steps away from the river bank. The images in this post all feature the river from the vicinity of my campsite.

The first two use a similar concept; I think the vertical one works a bit better, but I decided I might as well post both. I used f/22 and f/25, respectively, to keep everything in focus. There was so little breeze that almost none of the grass blurred - always a plus. I used shutter speeds of 1 second and 1.6 seconds, respectively, to blur the water's motion.

The next one uses some red alder trees as a foreground. It was not sunny, but there was still much more light falling on the opposite bank, which made this a rather high contrast image. I used f/25 to get all of the elements in focus, and the eternity of 5 seconds to blur the water. Again, no breeze - I couldn't find any blurry leaves! That usually doesn't happen to me.

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