Saturday, July 12, 2014

Teanaway Summer, Part 3: Johnson Medra

(Yes, Part 2 is coming later; I am posting these out of order as I get pictures sorted).

On the last morning of my trip this past week, I visited the Johnson Medra trail. The forest along the beginning of the trail was heavily festooned with lichen, and I had the idea of including the morning sun in a shot with the lichen. F/22, primarily to enhance the sun's rays.

This is another perspective on the lichen-draped forest. It is always hard to make individual objects stand out and catch the eye in photographs like this, in which the main concept is some general aspect of the forest rather than any one specific subject. Having the diagonal tree, and having it well in front, helps the image do the job. The image will be better once I edit it and enhance the lighting/contrast a bit; that will bring out individual shapes more. F/14.

Update: I believe that I have identified this plant: it is a pipsissewa or prince's pine, Chimaphila umbellata. The bodies in focus may not be fruits at all but in fact buds. Cool stuff. F/4.2 to isolate them as much as possible.

These are twinflower (Linnea borealis). The lighting came courtesy of a sunlit area out of frame reflecting sunlight onto the flowers. F/4.5.

1 comment:

Shari Anderson said...

The little Linnea flower looks like a thin girl in a long flowing skirt, so delicate and beautiful. Incidentally, that was to be your name, had you been a girl.