Saturday, September 08, 2018

Gold Creek

A week ago today, I visited one of my favorite places, the Gold Creek trail north of Snoqualmie Pass. I had originally planned to perhaps head to higher country on that day, or at least go farther up the Gold Creek trail (maybe to Alaska Lake), but I woke up sick and having had a poor sleep. Hiking the easier sections of the Gold Creek trail was a good compromise that still allowed me to spend some time in the wilderness.

First, two forest compositions that I was quite happy with. F/18 and F/20, respectively.

Next, two compositions involving Gold Creek itself, with pearly everlasting blooming in the foreground of the first. I don't know if these compositions are exactly show-stoppers, but they turned out better than I was afraid they might, so I thought I'd still post them. Both F/22.

Finally, a closeup of an aster of some sort. I'm not quite skilled enough to make a definitive ID. F/5.6.

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