Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lake Valhalla

Yesterday, I hiked to Lake Valhalla near Stevens Pass (via the Smithbrook trailhead). Owing to the good weather and the spectacular fall colors, it was a busy day on the trail! I was expecting a cloudier day, but skies were sunny and the lighting actually somewhat harsh. The air was occasionally breezy as well. Nevertheless, I think I came away with a few decent compositions. And a sunny fall day in the mountains is always enjoyable, photographs notwithstanding. Due to the lighting challenges, the edits of the images in this post are works in progress.

First, a composition with the lake and Lichtenberg Mountain. I noticed this framing on my way out; I was worried about the lighting, but am glad I stopped. F/18.

Next, the lake from the trail above. The perspective distortion is fairly pronounced here, but I think the image still works. F/20.

Another composition of the lake, from right by the lakeshore. F/18.

Finally, a view of the forest along the PCT leading to the lake. By this point in the afternoon, high clouds were starting to filter the sunshine, making a forest composition like this possible. F/20.

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