Sunday, October 06, 2019

Baker River Fall

Yesterday, I hiked the Baker River trail, an easy trail through old-growth forest with river and mountain views. It's one of my favorite photographic destinations for pretty much any season. The fall color along the trail wasn't as good as it has been in other years, but excellent weather conditions for photography in the morning - overcast skies, no breeze - made up for this setback, and allowed me to walk away with a few good images. Later in the day, the weather took on a showers-and-sunbreaks pattern, with a breeze moving up the valley. While this made photography difficult in the afternoon, it was still an enjoyable experience. On my way back to the trailhead, I lingered for a peaceful twenty minutes or so on the footbridge over the Baker River, watching rain falling through sunshine and clouds billowing over the valley.

First, a view of what I think is Hagan Mountain, with vine maple in the foreground. F/16.

Next, a characteristically mossy forest view, with the other side of the Baker River valley visible through the trees. F/16.

Here's a composition with a similar concept; the sense of depth isn't as striking, but the scale and height of the trees come through more clearly. I didn't quite have time to perfect the image quality and exposure; a decent rain started falling immediately after I had set up my tripod for this shot. Still, I'm pleased that I ended up with something good enough to post here. F/16.

Finally, a view of Sulphide Creek, at the end of the trail within the North Cascades National Park boundary. The rocky banks of Sulphide Creek tend to change location, and the water level varies, so I never know what to expect from the area as a photographic destination. This time, there was plenty of room to wander the rocks on the west side of the creek, enabling me to find this vantage point. F/16, 1/3 second.

1 comment:

Colleen H said...

These are breathtaking. The second one is out of this world. Thank you for letting us see what you see.