Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Break Part 4: A Wild Goose Rock Chase

Now comes the final entry from my camping trip to Deception Pass State Park earlier this week, when I  visited Goose Rock and some of the surrounding trails.

The first image contains an interesting juxtaposition: camas (the bluish-purple flower) with death-camas (the creamy/yellow flower). Although their flowers look quite different, their bulbs are very similar. Camas bulbs are edible and in fact were a staple food of many indigenous groups; death camas bulbs, on the other hand, are very poisonous. I used f/3.3 to blur the background as much as possible and isolate the two flowers near the camera.

The next two images feature some of the interesting grass found on the way up to Goose Rock. I tried a variety of compositions and the two below ended up being my favorites. I used f/4 in each case to isolate the parts of the grass that I had in focus.

Below are some of what I think are field chickweed, which grow in thick clumps here and there in the meadows. I used f/4 to blur the background flowers; I originally tried narrowing the aperture more, to get more definition in the background flowers, but found such an approach to be too busy.

The next two are experiments that I thought achieved merely a modest degree of success, but I thought I'd post them.

First is a death-camas bloom peeking out from grass. It's not bad, although the death-camas doesn't fill up the frame quite the way I would like. I used f/3.3 to blur the surrounding grass as much as possible.

This second is a paintbrush with some white flowers (a clump of field chickweed, if I recall correctly) in the background, blurred to the point where they became overlapping white dots. I stopped down just a bit to f/5.6 to make those white dots just a bit more clearly discernible.

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