Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Break, Pt. 3: Lighthouse Point Round 2

I don't think I've ever put so many numbers in a blog post title!

My recent trip to Deception Pass State Park was in fact an overnight camping trip (in a campsite that turned out to be rather garbage-strewn and rocky…always look at campsites before you register at the park office!) In the morning, I returned to Lighthouse Point and completed some unfinished business.

Below is a budding stonecrop, broad-leaved stonecrop if I'm not mistaken. This is the first year I've ever noticed these, but they are on many large rock faces in the park. I stopped down ever so slightly to f/5 to get a bit more detail in the in-focus parts of the buds.

The next image is a flower in the pea family; unfortunately, I didn't take the time to identify it, mostly because I had to be efficient with my time that morning (I had left all my food at home and only had enough snacks to last me so long). I narrowed the aperture slightly to f/5.6 to get more of the foreground flower in focus; opening up all the way didn't do it.

Below is field mustard, which is apparently an introduced species, but I still think it looks nice, and there were a few of these growing here and there, so why not? This one looks across Bowman Bay; the land on the other side is in the background. Despite the selective-focus appearance, I used f/9; wider apertures didn't get enough definition in the background and the image just didn't look right.

Next, two landscapes. Below is a view from one of the side trails on Lighthouse Point, looking out to one of the other headlands. The blooming flowers belong to Scotch broom, I believe. I used f/22 to put everything in focus.

Below is a forest on Lighthouse Point; I wanted to highlight the copious lichen that hangs from the trees. I think some color and contrast adjustment would help that aspect of the image, as well as enlargement. I used f/22 to get everything in focus.

Stay tuned for one more post from the Deception Pass trip!!

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