Friday, July 31, 2015

Lunacy pt 2

Last night, I camped at Birch Bay State Park with the intention of catching the moonset over the water this morning. I chose Birch Bay over other local parks (such as Larabee, for instance) because it has such an extensive view of the sky; I wasn't sure exactly where the moon would be, and also wanted minimal obstructions on the horizon. Ordinarily, being only a half and hour drive away, I might have just driven here in the morning, but this and other state or county parks are gated at night - often opening at 6 or 6:30 (I think BB opens at the latter), which would have been much too late!

Anyway, here's the first. It's similar in concept to this sunset image, also from Birch Bay, with the difference of a vertical orientation. What I especially like about this image - besides the moon - is the rich color of the sky and the faint reflection of the moon in the water.

The next one was a bit of an experiment; I shot the moon through some driftwood here a few minutes later. I like the composition and the color - but the moon's a bit small and indistinct, as well as a bit fuzzy. I'll have to edit this one in Lightroom and see what it looks like large; only then will I be able to make the final verdict. It's always hard to judge landscape shots on the computer; they often make more sense when printed at a more reasonable size.

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