Saturday, March 11, 2017

Spring and Second Chances

Spring in western Washington is off to a slow start thus far, due to the cold, cloudy weather in which we've been mired. In spite of all of this, buds and flowers are starting to show, both in gardens and in the woods.


First, the crocus are opening up in the yard! F/4.2.

Next, a garden flower I don't recognize. F/4.2.

Saint Edward State Park

About a week ago, I made a return trip to Saint Edward State Park to take another shot at the Indian plum buds and leaves. First, some new growth coming up from a branch coated with moss and lichen. F/3.5.

Second, a shot of new growth, very similar to a composition that I included in my last post. Things aren't proportioned quite as well, but the image is a lot cleaner and the new growth is closer to the lens and thus more prominent in the frame. Some tasteful editing in Lightroom will help accentuate the forest shapes in the background. F/10.

Finally, some flowers starting to poke out! The image quality here isn't that great - my macro lens seems to perform rather poorly at narrow apertures (F/25 in this case). I'm also not sure about the spider webs; they may be a bit of a distraction. Still, it may be worth a second look or an edit at some point.

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