Monday, July 10, 2017

Peninsula Trip 2: Hurricane Hill

While staying on the Peninsula, I hiked Hurricane Hill, which is a fairly short and sweet walk through wildflower meadows with killer views. It can also get quite crowded - but I started early enough in the morning that this wasn't a huge problem. Furthermore, the trail corridor was generally wide enough that I could set up my tripod to take a picture and still leave room behind me for hikers to pass.

First is a closeup of avalanche lily (Erythronium montanum). F/4.5.

Here's a view from near the summit. Lighting's a bit harsh, as I took this image after 10am, but I think it still works. F/22.

Next is a more backlit scene. Ideally, the contours of the distant hills would come out more clearly, but that might be improved in editing. F/22.

Finally, two more meadow and mountain views. Not as striking as the first one in this post, but still nice. In each of these, I used a graduated neutral density filter to prevent overexposure of the sky and mountains. F/20.

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