Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Lovely, Sweet Banks of the Skagit

The next few posts are going to be chronologically out of order - I will be posting about my recent photo adventures in the order in which I sort my pictures, rather than the order in which they happened.

Yesterday, I visited Rasar State Park on the Skagit River. It was sunny elsewhere that day, and I was hoping for sun at the park; alas, however, orographic cloud cover over the North Cascades extended to this park. But since I don't often find myself that far north (also visited Ebey's Landing - coming soon), I decided to take what I could get.

Rasar State Park isn't very well known - I don't even remember how I found out about it, since it didn't show up on Google Earth or Google Maps when I was figuring out how to get there. But it is a nice park, if a bit small, with some trails along the river that occasionally drop down to the banks.

Everything is very green right now, as you can see - even the river.

Another highlight of the park is expansive grassy meadows in the middle, with some nice views of the North Cascades. Once again, these might have been cooler to photograph in sunny weather. But I suppose the cloudy weather connotes a more spring-like feel, whereas sunny weather would have made it seem more summery. So I suppose it's not necessarily bad.

Finally, one interesting shot with some dead trunks and very not-dead grass. I liked the contrast, and even this picture does not pick up the vivid, almost luminescent green of the grass.

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