Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Weekend of Spring!

I had been planning on a sunrise, but unfortunately it clouded up too quickly. Already awake, I changed plans and headed to the Arboretum instead. There weren't quite as many things blooming as I had expected, but there was plenty!

This first one came from my new lens. Check it out! I like the perspective.

I also had a chance to photograph a rather large bed of Lenten roses with my new lens. The first one I did with a narrow depth of field (wide aperture). The second I did with a narrow aperture (f/22) for a wide depth of field. It worked, although that aperture loses a lot of sharpness so I'll have to do some heavy-duty touch-up work if I ever use it for anything.

Next, some classic closeups. I don't have any interesting stories for these - just the usual difficulty of pinpointing the focusing. I'm not convinced by the first one; too much of the flower is blurry perhaps. The others are better but still not perfect.

Finally, a few other random things. I actually really like this next one of new growth:

These next two were attempts at including reflections in compositions; unfortunately, they didn't turn out to be as colorful or as compelling as I would have hoped. I'll have to work on that.

And this last one. Just a nice compositional arrangement of different flowers, I thought.

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