Saturday, March 24, 2012

Inaugural Sunset 2012

That's right. Yesterday evening - a beautiful day by any measure - marked my first sunset of the year. Last year, my first sunset did not happen until May, so this bodes well for the new year.

I didn't spend much time at the beach, so I only have one picture to show you. I used my new wide-angle lens and decided to try doing a shot of the sunset with driftwood in the foreground. Mercifully, there were no people in the frame. I shot it at f/14. I was going to use a narrower aperture, but when you get past about f/11 or so you start to lose some sharpness, and it turned out that f/14 gave me enough depth of field. And - this is nice - there wasn't too much distortion! Barely any barrel distortion on the horizon, which is good news. A bit of vignetting, but not enough to be a problem.

It's not as good as I'd like though, because the sun flares in my graduated ND filter, and the lens itself flares more than my old/normal lens. Also I think there is a scratch in my filter, which is really annoying, and the sun was shining in that as well. You can't really tell here on the internet, but there are a few places in this picture in which flares and other ugly things show up. Still, I like it.

I got some good ones this morning that I'll post later. Spring weather is finally here! And flowers are starting to bloom. In addition to the Indian Plum, salmonberry and currant are popping up. The Arboretum is also awash in blooms, mostly non-native ornamental trees and shrubs.

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